Thursday, 18 July 2013

Social Empires Hack Unlimited

Unlimited Hack for Social Empires

1. Get you FB ID from here

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Farmville 2 Water Bar Hack

To Hack Farmville 2 Water Bar You Need:

Farmville 2 Hack Water Bar Steps:
  1. Purchase a 1 hay wagon in market place and put it on farm
  2. Start Cheat Engine
  3. Select flash player plugin.exe for mozilla and chrome.exe or chrome
  4. Scan for 2250 under 4bytes
  5. Move all the final result down in the address checklist and modify it to 1 mil or 2 mil (2000000)
  6. Now in Cheat Engine once again change the value to string or text and write coins and do one more scan
  7. Move all the address final result down in the checklist and transform coins to water
  8. Go back to FarmVille 2 farm and sell off your hay wagon
  9. Your now huge time with water

Hack For Pool Live Tour

Pool Live Tour Hack Tutorial

To Hack Pool Live Tour You Need:

Pool Live Tour Hack Steps:

  1. Open up Pool Live Tour in Mozilla Firefox
  2. Start cheat engine
  3. Select flash player plugin.exe for mozilla and chrome.exe or chrome
  4. Set value type to double
  5. Scan 0.900
  6. Select all and click to red arrow
  7. Select all values listed and press enter for modify value to 1.5
  8. Now play game

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