Thursday, 12 December 2013

Intestinal Blockages in Pets caused by Foreign Objects

Playful pets tend to eat a lot of things which they find it difficult to digest. Sometimes these foreign objects can block their intestines and if immediate action isn’t taken it can even lead to death of the animal. Usually in serious cases, the foreign object needs to be taken out surgically.

Animals such as dogs, cats, mouse, have the habit of chewing loose chords, especially that of the computer. Other things which get chewed are plants, wool strands, plastic bags, shoes, toys, purse straps, vinyl objects, leather objects, baskets, furniture, and bed frames. Though prevention can be taken and the house can be made pet proof, but still there are chances of such accidents. Some animals either pass these objects through stool or vomit it out. Such incidents can happen anytime and the animal cannot be lucky every time. The objects can still remain in the body even after pooping and vomiting.

Vinyl and leather materials get stuck to the walls of the intestines. This condition is hard to be determined immediately as the animal doesn’t stop breathing or starts feeling dizzy. But by close observation if it is noted that the animal isn’t eating properly as it used to before, doesn’t excretes and lies dull on the bed whole day long, means something fishy is going on. Since the animal isn’t in serious condition, the owners need not panic. An x-ray and a blood test can explain the situation and the veterinarian can get a clear idea of what to do. If the blood test comes out normal, it indicates that the animal still has time on hand and the foreign object can be removed with the help of some laxative. And if there is an indication of an infection in the blood, a sonogram or a barium x-ray can be done. The very last resort is surgery, and this should be done only when the animal refuses to eat anything. In situation vomiting should be induced as this could aggravate the condition. If the animal vomits by himself, it is good.

Heavy duty materials block the intestine completely. Other than blocking or sticking to the walls of the intestines, some plants can also be toxic to the animal. The owners can restrain from planting such plants in their yard or home garden. Instead, most of the pets like to play in grass, so grass, especially oat grass can be grown for the animal to enjoy. Plastic bags also pose a big threat to the animal. But the rustling noise can make the plastic more attractive and enjoyable for the pet. Objects made out of plastic such as purses, wraps, and purses should be kept out of reach. Another precaution that can be taken is that the objects which the animals enjoy chewing can be made unattractive by spraying with bitter apple spray. They can be even cleaned with a disinfectant with a strong odor but be careful the type of disinfectant you use as they can be poisonous too to our pet.

Most of the pet owners do not buy leather product such as shoes and purses any more as they are expensive and get easily ruined by pet’s chewing them. Shoes can be stored in high shoe racks, drawers, chest or even better, in walk –in closets, along with the purses. Some pets do not watch where they are going. There are chances that they walk straight into the objects. If objects made out of glass fall from a height, it will immediately break into pieces. This is the most dangerous, because if consumed can lead to on the spot death. The broken glass pieces can wound the organs internally, which can lead to sever bleeding.

Even if the animal undergoes the surgery, it would still take him a lot of time to recover from it. Along with the expensive surgical procedure, comes pain. Various pet owners deal with the situation in their own way and no one way is recommended as the official one. But the best way is to immediately rush the pet to a veterinarian who has a good experience treating animals similar to your pet.

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