Thursday, 5 December 2013

The West Online Game Cheats Cracks Codes Tips Tricks Secrets Hacks

Time Travel Cheat

How great would it be if you could simply complete a task whenever you wanted to, even if it was just a few seconds after it started? Well the time travel cheat allows you to do this! All you need to do is begin by starting a task, I would recommend that you try founding a town. Once you have done so you will need to go to your computers control panel and select the date and time option. Change the time / date on your computer to a time when the task is due to finish. Now go back to the game and you will see that your task is all done! You can also use this cheat for going backwards in time as well as forwards. If you are a fan of other online games then you may be able to make this cheat relevant for you on a whole bunch of games.

The West Cheat Codes:

Simply enter the password and receive the benefits of the below.

pisota - $20000

govna - level 100

kita - all quests finish

guzica - always win in battle.

Use The Character Menu!:

In the character menu you get a few interesting facts about your character. Make sure you know your character inside out to have a chance of competing well on The West.

* Your profile picture

* Experience points health points

* The current amount of your energy points

* Traveling speed

* Duels won

* Duels lost

If you are new to The West then check out the below video, which is a brief introduction / tuturiol to the game....

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