Saturday 7 December 2013

Tips in Maintaining Privacy in Facebook

Social networking is growing and so are the number of people who are addicted to its incredible features. Since Facebook is certainly among the most liked social networking site, people get carried away by its features easily. Maintaining one?s Facebook privacy matters most as keeping complete control of an account is crucial to one?s privacy online. Since maintaining Facebook privacy settings is easy, a user can configure them according to his preference. Since a person?s reputation is based on what he shares and posts on Facebook wall, privacy is important. By simply logging on, one can change those settings so that one cannot simply intrude and see everything about you.

Here are a few tips to stay away from dangers of Facebook intrusion:

Settings: Privacy settings on Facebook are automatically set to private profile. It means that no one but your friends can see what it says. If you haven't added someone as your friend, they will not be able to see much about your profile. You would have to go in and physically change those settings so that no one could simply go in and see everything about you.

Photos- It can be a lot of fun to upload a ton of pictures onto your Facebook account. You want to share them with everyone. The problem with this is that you may not want the whole world to see your personal photos. If you don't want people to know what you look like, you are better off leaving personal photos off the site. You might have your site set to private, but there is someone out there that won't mind hacking into your account to see what you have there.

What's on your mind- This is where you can tell others what is going on with you. You can be as open or closed mouth about what you are doing as you want to be. You do not have to post every move you make on Facebook, as no one will really care about most of it. Be picky about what you put there. This is the best way to maintain a sense of privacy on Facebook.

Maintaining a sense of privacy on Facebook is all about how you handle your account. If you handle it carelessly or you simply don't care, you will not have any privacy at all. If you choose to, there are many ways that you can keep unwanted people from reading or seeing what you don't want them to read and see. It's all about personal responsibility.

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