Macro Cheat Bot
My Free Farm Game offers a realistic a fun gaming experience that can be played online. It is 100% free to play and requires no downloads making it very accessible! Like many games My Free Farm Game does have a few loopholes that can exploited to your benefit and can make you very rich! By creating a Macro which simply records moves and gives instructions of what to do in certain situations you can really push on ahead in this game as if you were actually playing for hours and hours yourself. When a macro has been built and recorded, you simply just need to run it in order to carry out any task you want it to. Therefore you can get the macro to play the game for your and do all the had work - play on premium and see what happens! (Just make sure it works first).
Go to work and switch on your Macro Automated Bot and see how much money, coins, resource and everything else has been gained in the time. You shoudn't then come home from work and start playing the game yourself but instead you could spend your time on configuring your bots to make them even better. Afterall this is how some players are so high up the search rankings and becoming rich overnight! So what steps do you need to take in order become an ultimate cheat master on this game.
Find yourself an In depth advanced training course for I.T. at a college or even online so that you can learn from home. Within a few months you will have picked up the basics and should be able to configure your own basic macro bots. From there you can learn further and make it more and more powerful. One of the beautiful things about doing it at college is that you can actually ask your tutor indirect questions about how to do certain things. With your hidden agenda in mind the tutor will show you all the things you need to become a Free Farm Game Champ!
Apart from Macro Botz there are no other codes, cheats, hacks or tips available for this game, so it really does seem clear that the way to go is to create yourself a super automatic magic bot and let it do all the work for you.
Visit below for some other great games and there cheats..
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