Thursday, 28 November 2013

3 Cityville Decoration And Energy Tips

As you are racing to build your metropolis in the popular Facebook game CityVille, don?t overlook the importance of decorations and the effect they have on the coins you earn whenever you collect rent from houses or payouts from businesses.

Here are some cityville decorations and energy tips to help you get more income from the properties that you build.

Tip #1- Decoration Basics

There are many different decorations in the game and they each have their own impact and attributes. Each decoration takes up a certain number of spaces and provides a certain percentage boost to the buildings within its influence range.

When you place the decoration, you can see the impact it will have (where and how much) as indicated by the blue lines and text that appear. Each decoration can impact more than one building so a common technique is to leave spaces between buildings so that you can place decorations between them.

They?ll have a positive impact on all the adjacent businesses and houses.

Tip #2- Understanding Energy

The key to grasping the power of decorations is to understand how energy works in cityville. Each task you perform in cityville normally takes away an energy point.

As your city gets bigger and there are more things to watch over, careful energy management becomes crucial. In fact, we put together a whole separate guide on energy cheats, but for now all you have to think about is how to minimize your use of energy while collecting as many coins as possible.

Tip #3- Advanced Decorations Strategy

Remember that each time you collect money from a business, it will cost you 1 energy so operating 10 separate businesses will cost you 10 energy points. This is a key principle!

By using decorations to increase the output of your cityville businesses by 100% or more, you?ll get more coins per energy point used than if you had to collect from two different businesses.

Now here?s the sneaky part. Once you?ve built up a ?sweet spot? for a building surrounded by decorations, you can swap your buildings in and out of that spot before you collect from them.

You have to do this one at a time, and it can be a little cumbersome, but you?ll get the bonus on collection for each business you swap.

Using this technique will earn you a huge profit of coins for minimal energy consumption without having to buy lots of decorations!

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