Friday, 29 November 2013

Country Story Facebook Game Coins And Playfish Cash Tips

Initially, the basics of earning money in Country Story seem straightforward, and to a certain extent, they are. However, just as in real life there are wise and unwise ways to spend your money. Your ability to evaluate your options and make smart financial decisions will have a great impact on your overall success in the game, and so you would be wise to take a moment to understand the different ways you can go about purchasing items in Country Story.

The Basics

To begin with, you need to understand the difference between the two main currencies in use in the Country Story village - coins and Playfish Cash.
Coins - You can earn coins in a variety of ways, and you will need to use them to buy seeds, food, and other decorative items for your farm.
Playfish Cash - on the other hand, you will have to buy with either a credit card or a PayPal account, or you can earn some free cash by filling out some surveys.

The surveys can take some time, but if you are willing to devote a bit, you can build up an impressive stockpile of Playfish Cash by completing them. You should also be aware, though, that the Playfish Cash you earn by completing the surveys might not show up in your account right away. The Playfish Cash you buy, however, will show up instantly.

Spending Wisely

There will be many items available for purchase with both Playfish Cash and coins. In fact, you can purchase any type of item in the game you will ever need with coins. However, for some specialty items you will have to use your Playfish Cash. It is important not to be tempted by the fancy exclusive Playfish Cash items. You can certainly purchase some of these if you choose, but you should thoroughly evaluate all of your options first to make sure you are spending this valuable currency on an item that you actually really need.

Exchanging Cash For Coins

You will also have the option of changing your Playfish Cash into coins (although unfortunately you cannot do it the other way around). What this amounts to essentially is buying coins, which is not really ever a good idea. There are so many ways to earn coins in the game so buying them is quite simply a waste of money. Apply yourself to earning coins like an honest farmer and save your Playfish Cash for something really special.

Get Stuff For Free

There are plenty of things to spend your hard-earned coins and Playfish Cash on. However, you will also have the opportunity to earn bonus items every day when you log in and when you complete a quest. Making sure you take every opportunity to collect these free bonus items is a great way to help save up your money for items you cannot get any other way.
In addition, getting gifts from your friends is a great way to get some free stuff, and the best way to make sure your friends give you gifts is to give them gifts at every opportunity. The above basic tips will get you on the right track with your farm; however, it is so important in this game to have everything set up correctly. Moving up the levels and earning those important coins is necessary especially if you are not into coughing up real cash to play this game.

The secret to learning all the cheats and tips you will need in Country Story

Country Story Secrets is a legal strategy guide created to teach you how to move up the levels and earn lots of coins. It shows you how to move up all the levels with all the tips, and secrets to get you to the top.

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