Thursday, 28 November 2013

Farmville cheats earn cash and comment to report their added winnings in 2011

Does the title of this article sound familiar? Are you wondering about Farmville cheats, and that famous comment January 12th, "just got cheat codes, learn this Farmville cheat and earn Farmville cash", that has made the rounds in the Facebook Farmville community?

That quote and many an email got my attention, so I started looking for Farmville cheat codes the old way by searching for - Farmville cheats - Farmville cheats codes. When I did this, I found an older email that said: report 310 Farmville cash when you add Farmville neighbors. Well I was hooked, but the more I searched the less new information I was able to get about Facebook Farmville cheats, it seems it was all hype or nobody wanted to give up the way to win.

What I found out was if you wanted to get a payout of Farmville cash, 100 dollars at a time, then I just needed to learn all the features of the Farmville game, because there was a not trick or cheat that would put me ahead.

The truth of the matter is there is no way to cheat when you play Farmville. The best way to get ahead in Farmville is to learn the ins and outs of the game. What I needed was a book, or user guide, but you will not find that at the local book store. I wanted and needed a crash course.

I was introduced to the Farmville Facebook game like everyone else; friends and neighbors roped me in to playing because they were having so much fun. This is the perfect social media game; it just grows from town to town with a wave of excitement and enjoyment. However as each new person is added to the Farmville Facebook game community they find themselves at the bottom of the heap, the lowest score, the smallest farm, and the fewest Farmville coins.

The solution is to spend a few bucks and get an eBook user guide. You will only read it once or twice, and the authors are experts and fanatical fans of Farmville who seem to know the newest gifts and items on the day they are released. After reading and following a strategy I discovered the Farmville cheats and Farmville cheat codes was nothing more than a plan and strategy, put out by the experts. Now I can boast of my FV cash and Farmville coins.

When you do the same as I did, you can use so called Farmville cheats to earn cash and comment on your report of added winnings in 2011 and in the year 2012. Does this sound fun to you? No longer will you be wondering about Farmville cheats. You will be writing the headlines in email you your friends and neighbors online and in the real world.

Those of us who have been down this path before you, just smile when we remember when we were confused, behind in the game, and unsure what to do next, or why our coins and farm land was not growing. Do yourself a favor; learn about the game, if not from an eBook, then from one of your best friends who will tell you the skinny without feeling like they are saying too much.

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