Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Your Top 5 Word Games On Facebook

Are you addicted to Facebook games? If yes, you are just one of the many online users in the same boat. And it is easy to see why. It is because out of the many applications you can find on Facebook, the games seem to dominate the biggest proportion. The developers of these applications are simply amazing to even think of offering free online games to all age groups. And this is one reason why the games do not cater to a specific crowd but to many other crowds.

Have you played the word games on Facebook? They are one of the most popular game applications. Here are the top word games, in no particular order, and the reason why they are popular. Click here to know about mafia wars cheats.

Word Challenge. This one has been around for a while now and Facebook users get to play it by forming as many words as they can from the unscrambled set of letters given to them and challenging other players in each round. In social aspect, it lets you see how you are doing against other users, who are actually your friends in the network.

Word Twist. This is a social game, where it takes four players (you and three other friends) for a new round. A series of letters is given which you need to unscramble so you can form out of them as many words as you can under a particular length of time. A new round can be started by scrolling or choosing from friends who have as well added the game application or by inviting them to play with you.

Word Twist is a multi-player application, in which players heighten their excitement as they play with others. They get to see the scores as they play. If there are no friends available to play while you are online, there are other similar games that require no buddies, such as the Path Words or Scramble.

Word Hunt. The game allows the players to find letters on the letter racks of their friends' pages on Facebook and fill their own letter bags. When enough letters are collected into their bags, words can then be formed. Points are earned for forming the words. Complete record or rankings can be seen weekly and badges and status of the players can be displayed on the users' profile.

Word Wrangler. It is a game basically played like Scrabble, though with no opponents. Available in single and dual mode and timed when you play. The game has a simple concept, with no complicated game run, but it is one that provides quick, fun and bright game offerings where you see how you rank and/or how you stack up against other players or your friends.

Wordy. The game is popular for several reasons. First, it has single-player and multi-player options, which make it great for the players who regularly change their mood when gaming online. The game is also available in several languages, so it is not surprising that this is played by many Facebook users around the world.

Another reason is the game has several modes, meaning there are several word games available for the players in one application. Wordy is a game play that involves longer sessions, various social options, and the quick, dirty games for challenging yet friendly game play. Also, it has unique ranking system as well as various leader board opportunities for the gamers.

These are the top five Facebook word games that many players find not only engaging and entertaining but mind-exercising at the same time.

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